Your say

Thanks to everyone that took in our community conversations. Your comments helped shape the masterplan for the centre of Prestwich, approved by Bury Council’s Planning Control Committee in July 2024. 
You can still get in touch with the team via the contact channels.

You said,
we did




Our community conversations helped shape the plans for the centre of Prestwich as they developed. We received hundreds of responses and, where possible, we took on board your feedback and made key changes to the masterplan.

You can read about our consultations and the feedback we received in our Consultation Report – which was submitted with the planning application.

Here just some of the ways we responded to your comments.

More retail & Community Spaces

You said that too much space had been allocated for housing with more needed for retail and community uses.

We’ve increased the amount of retail space and removed one of the proposed residential buildings, which has provided space for a larger market building, and a better connection to the planned village square.

Considerate Design

You asked us to ensure that the heights of the buildings are in keeping with the area and that the design maximises natural light.

We’ve sensitively designed the buildings to be in keeping with the local area and maximise daylight and sunlight into the proposed public spaces.

An example is reducing the height of the proposed Community Hub building from 5 to 4 storeys.

All of the new buildings will be smaller than the existing Radius apartment building next to the Longfield Centre.

Green spaces

You expressed the importance of high quality, green outdoor spaces with seating and family friendly places for people of all ages to enjoy. You also told us that the Village Square should be able to host outdoor events and markets.

We are planning even more green spaces with more new planting and trees added to the masterplan following your feedback.

Supporting independent businesses

You asked us to prioritise attracting local and independent businesses and provide spaces for businesses to locate during construction.

We are proposing to provide a range of retail unit sizes, including smaller spaces that would be suitable for independent operators, such as in the Market Hall.

We’re continuing to engage with existing Longfield Centre tenants about their plans for the future and interest in being part of the scheme. We are also looking at the potential to provide an exciting new temporary village space during construction so that the village can continue to be a bustling place for food, drink and shopping.

A flexible community hub

You said that the community space should cater for a wide range of uses, including events and classes, arts and culture, fitness and wellness and local services.

We have designed the Community Hub to be a flexible space that can cater for a range of different activities and will include a new library. We are also providing space in one of the buildings for a new gym.

Transport & infrastructure

You raised concerns about the impact on local traffic and congestion and felt that parking was too far away from the proposed Community Hub and retail areas.

A comprehensive transport assessment (informed by traffic and parking surveys) is being prepared to inform the strategy for travel to and from the village, which will be submitted with the planning application. This assessment informs the amount (and location) of parking within the village and new travel hub.

The proposed travel hub will be a 2 minute walk to the Community Hub through green landscaped areas with places to stop and sit on the way. We have now also included additional parking on Rectory Lane adjacent to the Community Hub for people with mobility issues.


You asked us to enhance the environment with sustainable transport, renewable energy infrastructure, energy efficiency measures and planting to encourage wildlife.

We will deliver energy and water efficient buildings to minimise carbon in operation and seek to use sustainable building materials to reduce upfront embodied carbon. The plans will also include lots of new green spaces and planting to make the site more biodiverse, alongside green infrastructure including sustainable urban drainage systems and electric vehicle charging points.

We will promote active travel with connections to local walking and cycling routes, cycle storage, and easy access to Prestwich’s frequent tram and bus services.

Pride in place

You wanted us to celebrate Prestwich’s character and heritage as part of the scheme.

We have carefully studied the character, materials and architecture of surrounding buildings and local heritage to draw inspiration for the design of the emerging masterplan. The design responds to the site’s setting and the unique character of the village.

Deciding the exact detail will form part of the design development. We have done our research, but more importantly we want the community to have a voice, so we’d love to hear your views on local architecture, and any weird and wonderful stories you may have about Prestwich and it’s heritage.

New homes

You told us that buildings must be high quality and expressed a need for a mix of homes.

We are proposing to deliver around 200 new homes, which we envisage will be a mix of apartments.

Our housing plans are being designed to help meet the demand for quality housing in the village, from affordable homes, to first-time buyers, growing families and downsizers.

Watch the latest online Q&A