Work begins on the
Prestwich Village regeneration

We’re excited to announce that in the coming weeks we will be starting work on the Travel Hub – the first phase of the regeneration of Prestwich Village centre. Starting on Wednesday 4th December, it will initially involve a four-week period of ground investigation works before the main period of construction starts in the new year.

The new multi-storey Travel Hub off Fairfax Road will provide a long-term parking solution for the village delivering 301 spaces, electric vehicle charging points, cycle storage and car club vehicles. We anticipate the Travel Hub will open in May 2026.

The start of construction will result in the closure of the Fairfax Road car park, however the Longfield Centre car park will remain open throughout.

How long will it take to carry out the work?

The initial ground investigations will last around four weeks. The main construction of the Travel Hub will take around 18 months with completion expected in May 2026.

Will the Fairfax Road car park re-open before the main work starts?

From the start of the work, Fairfax Road car park will be closed to make way for the new Travel Hub. However, the Longfield Centre car park will remain open.

Why are you starting with the Travel Hub?

Delivering the new Travel Hub first will mean, once completed, the existing Longfield Centre surface car park can then be used to facilitate the delivery of the village masterplan. It will be used as a construction compound and laydown area, as work starts to dismantle the precinct buildings and build the new community hub, retail spaces, outdoor spaces and new homes.

Will the work be disruptive?

During construction, the site working hours will be between: 7:30am-5pm Monday – Friday and 7:30am-12:30pm Saturday (when required). No work will take place on a Sunday. We will inform you in advance of any activity that is likely to cause disruption.

Why is this happening now?

You may have recently seen some notices around the Fairfax Road car park stating that further ground investigation works were to take place and that the car park would be closed. Unfortunately, these had to be rescheduled until now due to some urgent repairs by United Utilities to fix a failed drain underneath Fairfax Road.

How do I get in touch if I have any questions?

You can email us at or Freephone 0800 689 1095 (during office hours).

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